Application Preview
Once you have completed your registration, the application process could take up to several hours to complete. You can save your work and return to where you left off at any time (before the application deadline). The following is a general outline of application questions.
Provide | Write* | |
If Currently Teaching | Name of school; principal; address; phone number | |
University Where You Received (or will receive) Your BA | Name of school; president; address; dates attended; GPA (cum) for BA | |
Academic Achievement (maximum of 6 institutions) | Names of all colleges and universities; dates of attendance; degree received (if applicable); and GPA for each | |
Work Experience (maximum of 8 institutions) | Employers; dates; positions and responsibilities; brief descriptions of each (250 characters per job; approx. 60 words) | |
Activities (maximum of 6 activities) | List and a brief description of activities (150 characters per activity) | Brief essay (1000 characters--approx. 250 words) about significance of activities |
Awards (maximum of 6 activities) | List and a brief description of awards (150 characters per activity) | Brief essay (1000 characters) about significance of awards |
Career Plans and Professional Goals | Brief essay (1500 characters) about career goals | |
Proposed Master’s Degree | Name of university; proposed degree program; detailed list of likely constitutional content courses | Brief explanations of reasons for specific coursework (1000 characters total for list and explanations) |
Personal Strengths and Attributes | Brief essay (1500 characters) about teaching techniques Brief essay (1000 characters) about life experiences | |
Constitutional Essay | Essay (3600 characters—approx. 900 words) about teaching the Constitution | |
Transcripts | All undergraduate transcripts (and graduate transcripts if you are enrolled in a master’s program); should be uploaded to your official application at Kaleidoscope | |
Congressional Information | Names of Senators and name/district of House Member | |
Recommenders | Names and emails of up to 3 recommenders |
*These are general descriptions of the writing you will be expected to do. Please see the actual application for the specific prompt.
Tips for Making a Great Application
Review the entire application to ensure that you have time to complete it and to gather the necessary documents.
Review all the section prompts before answering any to ensure that answers are in the most appropriate categories.
Write all information at a graduate level, including capital letters at the beginning of sentences; no textspeak or emoticons; etc. The Selection Committee will see your application exactly as you submit it.
Thoughtfully answer each question; polish and proofread your answers.
It will be to your advantage to answer all questions, even those marked optional.
Use most-to-all available characters in your responses. Short responses might be perceived as a lack of effort on your part.
Avoid casual responses.
If cutting/pasting from elsewhere, edit the original to ensure that answers match the prompts.
Ensure that your educational history (institutions, courses, GPA’s) match the transcripts that you submit.
Diligently research the plan of constitutional studies at your proposed university and list specific course numbers and course titles. Explain why you chose these particular courses and how they fit in with your overall degree program, especially regarding your study of the Constitution.
Use Question #2 in the Professional Strengths and Attributes section to fill in any of the gaps in your professional or academic background. Tell the Selection Committee why, for example, you did not work outside the home for 10 years; or why your low junior college GPA is not an accurate predictor of the type of student you are today; or why you live in State A but plan to earn your degree in State B; etc. This is your opportunity to “fill in the blanks.”
Encourage the writers of your recommendations to discuss specific attributes, personal qualities, and professional accomplishments—especially those that were not addressed elsewhere in the application. Send your recommenders a copy of your résumé and, if possible, your responses to the various questions in the application.
Follow up with your recommenders to ensure that they submit their recommendations on time. They are busy people, and they will appreciate a gentle reminder from you as the due date nears.
Complete your application in sufficient time for someone else to review it and provide you with comments.