Lessons Plans from James Madison Fellows
The following lessons were prepared by James Madison Fellows and presented at various teacher's conferences.
You are free to use them in your classroom.
Washington, Jefferson, and Madison: How Do We Remember Them?
- A Counterrevolutionary Founder: The Newburgh Conspiracy
Tom Glaser, ‘01 (FL) - Philosophical Founders: John Locke and Thomas Jefferson Parallels
Cari Gray, ‘08 (TX) - Conflicted Founders: Founding Fathers’ Journals
Kathy Hagee, ‘12 (PA) - Amending Founders: And Then There Were Ten
Elizabeth Osborne, ‘95 (IN) - The Founders and Civil Discourse
Gennie Westbrook, ‘01 (TX)
A Free Press: A Free People
- Political Cartoons Create Conversations about a Free Press
Dave Alcox, ‘00 (NH) - Freedom of the Press in the Era of "Fake News"
Kelly Dutcher, ‘14 (MI) - Freedom of the Press vs. "Fake News"
Tyrel Rose, ‘15 (CA) - The First Amendment and Freedom of the Press
Lisa Smith, ‘16 (TX) - Free Press Rights
First Amendment Rights
Kymberli Wregglesworth, ‘11 (MI) - The Most Dangerous Man in America (Study Guide)
The Most Dangerous Man in America (Media Kit)
David Wolfford, ‘99 (KY)
Study Guides for Select Constitutional Conversations
- George Washington and Slavery
Michael Sandstrom, ‘15 (CO) - Loyalists in the American Revolution
Craig A. Windt, ‘15 (MI) - The Printers’ Role in Ratification
Caitlin Halperin, ‘15 (AL) - Women Vote in New Jersey
Taylor Smith, ‘15 (KS) - Dolley Madison and Politics
Ellen Georgi, ‘15 (MD) - Forgotten Founders
Vince Bradburn, ‘15 (IN)
All Rights Matter: Students and Criminal Procedure
- The Supreme Court, Students, and Schools
Dave Alcox, ‘00 (NH) - Due Process and Juvenile Justice
Glenna Humphries, ‘95 (FL) - Right to a Trial for Juvenile Offenders
Alyssa Niese, ‘14 (IL) - The Fourth Amendment and Cellphone Searches in Schools
Madison Kantzer, ‘13 (MD) - Legacy of Freedom
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor
Christy Marella-Davis, ‘03 (NJ) - Miranda Rights for Students
Cynthia Burgett, ‘12 (VA) - Rights of the Accused(Lesson)
Rights of the Accused(Powerpoint)
Evan McLaughlin, ‘14 (NJ) - Do We Really Need Our Due Process Rights?
Karlye Mull, ‘14 (NV) and Kevin Barney, ‘16 (NV) - Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Jennifer Hitchcock, ‘16 (VA) - Students' Rights in School
Samantha Kowalak, ‘12 (NJ)
Mr. Jefferson's Wall: Borders Between Church and State
- The Establishment Clause
Patrick Sprinkle, ‘13 (NY) - The Founders and Freedom of Religion
Timothy Moore, ‘99 (WI) - Freedom of Religion Activity
Meghan Mikulski, ‘02 (NJ) - Thomas Jefferson’s Wall of Separation
Professor Daniel Dreisbach, Summer Institute Faculty - Thomas Jefferson and the Mammoth Cheese
Professor Daniel Dreisbach, Summer Institute Faculty - Supplemental Resources for Teaching about Mr. Jefferson’s Wall
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation - Religion and American Constitutionalism
Professor Jeffry Morrison, Academic Director, James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
Those "Other" Rights: Articles I-VII
- Article I: Bills of Attainder
Colbe Klein, ‘14 (DE) - The Great Writ: Article I Habeas Corpus
Allyson Niese, ‘14 (IL) - Article III: The Judiciary
Eden McCauslin, ‘14 (DC) - Article IV: The Constitution and Slavery
Sara Ziemnik, ‘02 (OH) - Article V: The Right to Amend
Alison Warner, ‘09 (MD) - The Right to Change: Article V as Safeguarding Individual Liberty
Zachary Deibel, ‘14 (AR) - Exercising the Right to Change: The Suffragists and Their Tactics
Claire McCaffery Griffin, ‘92 (HI) - A Guide to Teaching the United States Constitution
Jeffrey Aas, ‘97 (ND) - The History of the U.S. Through Its Constitutional Amendments
Katherine Bird, ‘01 (DE) - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Constitutional Principles
Cynthia Boyle, ‘01 (TX) - Recreating the Constitutional Convention
Sara Arcaro Ziemnik, ‘02 (OH)
Constitutional Connections
- The American Revolution
Richard Vanden Bosch, ‘03 (CA) - Collecting Research in the Digital Age
Cheryl Cook-Kallio, ‘97 (CA) - The Constitutions, Executive Power, and War
Emma Kiziah Humphries, ‘04 (FL) - Harlan's Dissent
D. Clayton Lucas, ‘96 (AZ) - Scripted Debate-Presidential War Powers: The Hamdi, Rasul, and Hamdan Cases
Timothy Moore, ‘99 (WI) and Christopher Cavanaugh, ‘04 (IN) - Treaty of Versailles and the Constitution
Sara A. Ziemnik, ‘02 (OH)
The Federalist Papers
- AntiFederalists Said What?
Kevin Barney, ‘16 (NV) and Kevin Mull, ‘14 (NV) - Federalist #1
Dave Alcox, ‘00 (NH) - Federalist #10
Brandi Cook, ‘10 (SC) - Federalist #10
Hannah Markwardt, ‘08 (FL) - Federalist #10
Nora Mocarski, ‘03 (CT) - Federalist and Anti-Federalist
Nanci Lindblom, ‘11 (AZ) - Federalist and Anti-Federalist Guided Reading
Jay Shackett, ‘02 (IA) - Madison and Human Nature
Pat Usher, ‘07 (Il) - American and French Revolutions and the Federalist Papers
Kathryn Walthen, ‘12 (MD)